
As Co-founder of ORPC in 2004, and CEO and Board Chairman until his retirement in early 2020, Chris was responsible for securing new investment, developing essential strategic partnerships and overseeing our technology and project development. In addition, he is among the named inventors of ORPC’s...

Stuart’s focus at ORPC is on driving growth and profitability through overseeing the commercial rollout of the company's proven technology in the U.S., Canada and Chile. Prior to leading ORPC, Stuart was an investor in early stage companies with a primary focus on companies with...

Ben comes to ORPC with a background as a design engineer. A native of Maine, Ben graduated from the University of Maine with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science (2005) and Mechanical Engineering (2013). His work with ORPC focuses on sub-system design of...

Millard is a leader in engineering and production of advanced technology, including R&D, ship design, shipbuilding, power systems and electronics, and executive management. A retired Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy he supervised specifications, standards, and design for ships, systems, and equipment for acquisition and...

John Ferland joined ORPC in 2008 and has served as President since 2017. He helps oversee the company’s growing team, now numbering 35 employees and soon to expand to 45, working in four countries on three continents. He brings specific expertise to company activities in...

Conor’s main focus at ORPC is the design and optimization of the TidGen® Power System and computational fluid dynamics and finite element analyses for our RivGen® Power System. With a background in the aerospace and marine energy industries, Conor is a graduate of Univ. of...

Denis specializes in electricity distribution and has spent his career at Hydro-Québec where he served as Chef Executive of the utility’s distribution network strategies. There he oversaw all technology areas, serving on advanced metering, electric transportation and network evolution planning steering committees. Denis developed evolution...

Brendan leads ORPC market, business, and project development activities in Europe. He brings 15 years of experience in the marine energy sector with previous roles in academic research institutions, management of R&D funding programs, policy development and consultancy. Brendan was awarded a Ph.D. for his...

As Senior Vice President & COO of ORPC, Alexandre helps oversee the company’s growing team, working in four countries on three continents. In addition, he spearheads global operations, strategic partnerships and commercialization efforts. At ORPC Canada, he oversees a development team pursuing new opportunities in Northern Canada to...

Abbey leads financial strategy and administrative oversight for ORPC's growing business structure. She brings twelve years of accounting and administrative experience to the position. With ORPC since 2009, Abbey previously served as Director of Business Management and also Business Manager for the company, and has...