The Modular RivGen Power System is the next generation of ORPC’s proven technology for use in grid-connected markets and optimized for lower velocity sites and reduced cost, with applications for large rivers, electrical vehicle charging networks, hydroelectric facilities, irrigation canals, bridges, piers, breakwaters and flood controls systems. ORPC is testing and showcasing the Modular RivGen in Millinocket Stream, Millinocket, Maine.

Modular RivGen

The TidGen-80 Power System generates emission-free electricity from tidal currents and connects into remote microgrids as well as regional grids using smart grid technology.
TidGen-80 Power System

The OCGen Power System is designed for use in deeper tidal (reversing current) and deep water ocean current (unidirectional) applications. This is a complete power generation system that includes an array of several to several dozen modules, each capable of producing 1-2 MW output at its rated flow speed. The OCGen Power System is a megawatt-scale device designed for utility-scale river and tidal location applications in North America and Europe.


The development of the OCGen technology is supported by the European Commission via their Fast Track to Innovation program through ORPC’s CRIMSON project which will bring to market ORPC’s reliable, sustainable marine energy river and tidal turbines with foils make entirely of recycled carbon fiber, while also reducing capital expenditure and operating expenditure by 33% and 66% respectively. The approach provides a long-term solution for climate change mitigation.

The OCGen technology is also being developed through ORPC’s OPTIMOR effort, an OCEANERA-NET CoFund project funded by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). The OPTIMOR project is developing the design of a 2 MW power system which will reduce the amount of structure in the turbine design which does not actively capture energy.


  • ORPC tested the mooring system in 2014 with the assistance of a U.S. Department of Energy grant OCGen Module Mooring Project.
  • The shore-side electronics for the system will build off ORPC’s experience with the TidGen Power System in Cobscook Bay, RivGen Power System in Alaska, and R&D for tidal powered smart microgrids in Alaska and Maine.
  • Funding from the European Union, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Administration will contribute to the design of OCGen turbine technology.

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