Clean Energy FOR PEOPLE

ORPC Canada is the preferred supplier of clean, renewable and reliable hydrokinetic electricity in remote off-grid communities.

ORPC’s proprietary technology and know-how enables a carbon neutral future by facilitating the transition away from diesel generation, while at the same time creating local economic benefits and partnership opportunities for the communities in which we operate.

ORPC Canada’s team is based in Sherbrooke, Quebec.


ORPC Power Systems?



No impedance
to navigation

grid reliability

land impact

No impact
on viewshed

Coexists with
marine life

Long term
carbon reduction


Community Values

“ORPC has become a trusted partner in our quest for sustainability. To have the means to produce our own energy gives us that much more autonomy.”

AlexAnna Salmon
President, lgiugig Village 



Community Values

ORPC has become a trusted partner in our quest for sustainability. To have the means to produce our own energy gives us that much more autonomy.

AlexAnna Salmon
President, lguigig Village 

ORPC Canada acknowledges the historic and continued implications of colonial actions on Indigenous Peoples and their traditional lands and territories. We are committed to working alongside Indigenous communities and undertaking our responsibility in implementing TRC Call to Action #92 into our corporate policy and core operational activities.


Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action

We commit to taking action towards reconciliation by:

  • Ensuring that Indigenous peoples have equitable access to jobs, training, and education opportunities at ORPC Canada.
  • Supporting ongoing education and training of owners and staff in the history and culture of Indigenous peoples in Canada.
  • Ensuring that non-Indigenous partners undertake proper and respectful consultation with First Nations in the course of project development.
  • Working to optimize First Nations’ project training and employment opportunities, and to develop human resources capacity for First Nations communities.
  • Respectfully engaging with non-Indigenous Canadians to encourage them to learn about and participate in reconciliation.


Project dedicated to novel composite materials for tidal turbine blades backed with €500k
April 11, 2024

Project dedicated to novel composite materials for tidal turbine blades backed with €500k

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) has allocated just under €500,000 in funding for a project that aims to...

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El mar fuente de energía limpia | The Weather Channel en Español
March 6, 2024

El mar fuente de energía limpia | The Weather Channel en Español

El mar nos puede proveer además de sustento de energía y compatible con el cuidado del ambiente.   Learn more...

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Federal investment could bring tidal device test site to Cook Inlet
February 15, 2024

Federal investment could bring tidal device test site to Cook Inlet

Ocean Renewable Power Company, a Maine-based marine energy organization, has developed an underwater turbine tidal device called the TidGen Power...

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US DOE allocates $6 million for development of tidal energy demo pilot site
February 7, 2024

US DOE allocates $6 million for development of tidal energy demo pilot site

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has selected two marine energy projects to receive $6 million for the development of...

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ORPC monitoring programs and results
can be found in the following publications


Make an impact
on the planet

Let’s Start
A Conversation

    Send me information on ORPC products.

    Our Partners in Canada

    We are honored to work with leading research universities, government agencies,

    funders, and communities across Canada and to participate in industry-related associations.

    • AIEQ
    • AQPER​
    • Canadian Shield Capital​
    • Canadian Hydrokinetic Turbine Test Centre​
    • CIMA+​
    • Hatch​
    • Marine Energy Group/ CanmetENERGY-Ottawa ​
    • Marine Renewables Canada​
    • Nunavut Nukkiksautiit Corp.​
    • Natural Resources Canada​​
    • Polar Knowledge Canada​
    • Schneider Electric Canada​
    • Université Laval​
    • University of Victoria