Streamlined deployment. The TidGen device is designed for deep-water environments, operating underwater with no visible surface features and a buoyant tensioned mooring system that reduces installation cost and time, and minimizes seabed footprint.
Predictable, clean energy. Tides are predictable years in advance, making it possible to plan for and manage the power that tidal energy provides to a grid.
Optimized technology. ORPC’s tidal energy solution utilizes our patented cross-flow turbine generator unit, designed and constructed using advanced composites. It is engineered to enhance hydrodynamic performance while withstanding harsh marine conditions.
Minimal environmental impact. ORPC power system design and siting minimize effects to the marine environment. In Alaska, more than 100 million sockeye salmon smolts and 10 million sockeye salmon adults have passed by our turbines, with no observed injuries or mortalities from hundreds of hours of video monitoring. ORPC has also conducted extensive monitoring around its tidal systems in Maine with no evidence of injury or mortality.