ORPC’s Alaska river project set the record as the longest operating marine energy project in all of the Americas. The RivGen® Power System strengthens grid reliability by generating predictable, affordable electricity from free-flowing river and tidal currents. ORPC’s revolutionary baseload solutions are U.S.A. designed, built, tested and proven to offer communities and industrial users located on waterways dependable, locally-generated power for the diversified grids of the future.
Headquartered in the U.S. with subsidiaries in Canada, Ireland and Chile, ORPC is a recognized leader in marine energy technology innovation and operational excellence. ORPC’s rise to a leadership position in the worldwide marine energy industry is based on an impressive record of continuous improvement and success. ORPC’s Alaska river project features the longest operating marine energy device in all of the Americas.
“ORPC has become a trusted partner in our quest for sustainability. To have the means to produce our own energy gives us that much more autonomy.”