May 28, 2014 ORPC’s RivGen® Power System Welcomed to Alaska: Affordable, Clean Energy for Remote River Communities Celebrated at Anchorage Ceremony
Portland, Maine, May 28, 2014 – Ocean Renewable Power Company officially kicked off its first installation of ORPC technology in Alaska at a formal gathering in Anchorage this morning attended by over 70 people. The event, held at Marsh Creek’s facilities, featured the company’s RivGen® Power System as a backdrop to formal remarks made by Alaska Lieutenant Governor Mead Treadwell, Alaska Energy Authority chief Sara Fisher-Goad, Igiugig Village Council President AlexAnna Salmon, ORPC company officials, and representatives for U.S. Senators Murkowski and Begich of Alaska.
The RivGen® Power System, a self-deploying submersible hydrokinetic system designed for smaller river applications in water depths of 15 feet or more, including those in remote, off-grid or micro-grid communities, will be installed and operated in the Kvichak River at the Village of Igiugig, Alaska, this summer. This project is a crucial step in commercializing the RivGen® technology for remote river sites and providing a new energy source for rural river communities around the globe.
orpc’s rivgen® power system welcomed to alaska 05 28 14 final-2014529912.pdf
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